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New Relic Expands Scope of Observability Reach

At its Futurestack conference, New Relic announced it expanded the integrations and tools it provides for its observability platform and added its first cybersecurity tool.

The company now provides more than 470 integrations with cloud services, open source tools and other enterprise technologies, with support for offerings from Akamai, Atlassian, CircleCI, Cloudflare, Netlify, PagerDuty and Postman now being added to its Instant Observability platform. The company has also added the ability to now collect logs alongside metrics and traces within its Application Performance Monitoring (APM) offering.

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Finally, New Relic has deepened its cloud ties with Microsoft, added a guided user onboarding interface, support for a wider range of instrumentation methods, tighter integration with Kubernetes and, for the first time, is branching out into the realm of cybersecurity via a New Relic Vulnerability Management service that is being added to its software-as-a-service (SaaS) portfolio.

Ishan Mukherjee, group vice president for product go-to-market at New Relic, said New Relic Vulnerability Management is the start of a larger effort to enable IT teams to leverage the observability data they already collect via the New Relic platform to drive the adoption of DevSecOps best practices. Legacy approaches to vulnerability management create yet another silo of data that only further aggravates cybersecurity blind spots, he noted. New Relic Vulnerability Management aggregates data collected via its agent software and integrations with a wide range of platforms to provide a unified view of the overall security posture of an IT environment, Mukherjee added.

It’s still early days as far as adoption of observability platforms is concerned, but it’s apparent that platforms that unify the collection of metrics, logs and traces across both applications and the IT infrastructure they run on are transforming how IT is managed. Most DevOps teams today are able to continuously monitor IT environments using tools that track a set of pre-defined metrics; observability platforms make it possible to aggregate data so that DevOps teams can launch queries that help them uncover the root cause of an IT issue. That capability is increasingly becoming critical as IT environments—thanks, in part, to the rise of microservices and cloud computing environments—become too complex for IT teams to manage using legacy tools.

The challenge is that most IT teams are not quite sure what questions they should ask to get the most value from investment in an observability platform. Observability platforms that accurately surface issues without requiring much intervention from IT teams are likely to gain the most traction, as the competition among providers of these platforms intensifies.

In the meantime, organizations might want to start reevaluating roles within their IT teams as it becomes simpler to collaborate around a single source of data. The days when IT teams had to triage issues using disparate tools that surfaced conflicting data may finally be coming to an end. As such, it should become possible for a team of IT professionals to manage a wider range of processes across an extended enterprise IT environment.

Naturally, it may be a while before observability platforms drive wholesale reorganizations of IT teams, but it’s now more a question of when rather than if that day will come.

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