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The Download: chaos at OpenAI, and building a better power grid

1 Sam Altman is CEO of OpenAI again
And he’s got a new board, to boot. (WP $) 
+ Altman’s relationship with the company’s board has been fraught for months. (NYT $)
+ Microsoft’s Satya Nadella is fine with the changes, apparently. (FT $)

2 Binance’s CEO has plead guilty to money laundering charges
The crypto exchange has been accused of helping Hamas and ISIS to receive funds. (CNBC)
+ Changpeng Zhao is facing jail time in addition to a $50 million fine. (NYT $)

3 Huawei’s chipmaker is China’s secret sanction-busting weapon
While local investors are thrilled by its recent successes, the US is suspicious. (Bloomberg $)+ Huawei’s 5G chip breakthrough needs a reality check. (MIT Technology Review)

4 Palantir has signed a huge contract with England’s health service 
It’s agreed to build a controversial new platform for storing patient data. (FT $)
+ Palantir’s reputation is worrying civil rights activists. (The Guardian)

5 Twitter’s former head of safety is ready to talk
After years of trying to make the least bad decision possible. (Wired $)
+ Over at X, things are going from bad to worse. (New Yorker $)

6 Tesla knew that its cars had a defective Autopilot system
But kept selling them anyway, according to a Florida judge. (Reuters)

7 How to build a more resilient power grid
Look to your roofs and basements. (New Yorker $)
+ Stitching together the grid will save lives as extreme weather worsens. (MIT Technology Review)

8 For some startups, grief is a commodity
But communicating with simulations of the dead isn’t for everyone. (Vox)
+ Technology that lets us “speak” to our dead relatives has arrived. Are we ready? (MIT Technology Review)

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