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Four questions Silicon Valley should expect from Capitol Hill

And one fundamental question that should underlie tomorrow’s Congressional testimony. Read more »

California advances an ambitious climate policy that should be a model for the world

The state is on the verge of passing a rule requiring 100 percent of its electricity to come from carbon-free sources. Read more »

Complex Cloud Architecture Types

This excerpt from Architecting Cloud Computing Solutions explains the various types of complex cloud architectures, including multi-data center architecture, global load balancing, database applications, and multi-cloud. Read more »

Hybrid Cloud Architecture Concepts

This excerpt from Architecting Cloud Computing Solutions explains the various concepts of a hybrid cloud architecture, including hybrid user interface, processing, backup and application functions. Read more »

Crowdsourcing the hunt for software bugs is a booming business—and a risky one

Freelance cybersleuths can help companies find flaws in their code. But the bug hunters could fall afoul of anti-hacking laws. Read more »

This is what filter bubbles actually look like

Maps of Twitter activity show how political polarization manifests online and why divides are so hard to bridge. Read more »

The four ways that ex-internet idealists explain where it all went wrong

21st-century digital evangelists had a lot in common with early Christians and Russian revolutionaries. Read more »

Future elections may be swayed by intelligent, weaponized chatbots

The AI advances that brought you Alexa are teaching propaganda how to talk. Read more »

Kenya’s technology evolved. Its political problems stayed the same.

Long before the internet, hate speech flourished in echo chambers of a different kind. Read more »

Network Design Considerations for Hybrid Clouds

When creating your hybrid cloud network, you'll need to understand your current needs and the long-term plans for your environment. Read more »