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Should You Migrate Your DevOps Architecture to the Cloud?

Evolving DevOps practices will require a new level of agility and speed to deployment. Advancements in the cloud sector have organizations wondering how the two can work together. Read more »

The smartphone app that can tell you’re depressed before you know it yourself

Analyzing the way you type and scroll can reveal as much as a psychological test. Read more »

Why we can’t quit the QWERTY keyboard

We’ve been using it to type for 144 years. Here’s why it works, and what it would take for us to give it up. Read more »

The US military wants to teach AI some basic common sense

Even the best AI programs still make stupid mistakes. So DARPA is launching a competition to remedy the field’s most glaring flaw. Read more »

Waymo’s cars drive 10 million miles a day in a perilous virtual world

A simulation lets autonomous cars experience situations that are too dangerous to try in reality. Read more »

NASA is using HoloLens AR headsets to build its new spacecraft faster

Lockheed Martin engineers wear the goggles to help them assemble the crew capsule Orion—without having to read thousands of pages of paper instructions. Read more »

There’s no Google Maps for self-driving cars, so this startup is building it

In as little as 24 hours, Mapper will deliver a machine-readable map of any place on earth with public roads. Read more »

Even the best AI for spotting fake news is still terrible

It should be possible to automatically identify dubious news sources—but we’ll need a lot more data. Read more »

The US is hastening its own decline in AI, says a top Chinese investor

The White House should worry less about China’s progress and invest heavily in artificial intelligence breakthroughs, according to Kai-Fu Lee. Read more »

Getting Multi-cloud Right with Per-app Architectures

How by-the-app solutions can tackle common cloud migration roadblocks including ramp up, risk management, and operational overhead. Read more »