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The US pushes to build unhackable quantum networks

The fiber-optic cables carrying data across the internet are vulnerable to hacking. Two US initiatives aim to fix that by creating super-secure quantum transmissions. Read more »

A global ethics study aims to help AI solve the self-driving “trolley problem”

Millions of people in 233 countries weighed in on whose lives self-driving cars should prioritize, revealing how much ethics diverge across cultures. Read more »

Cloudy with a Chance of Threats

Securing multiple clouds can be very complex. What’s needed is an integrated approach that is dynamic and flexible, and able to keep pace with cloud workloads and applications as they expand.

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Two sick children and a $1.5 million bill: One family’s race for a gene therapy cure

One day, gene therapy may help with the rarest of diseases. Some parents aren’t waiting. Read more »

Are we designing inequality into our genes?

Designer babies aren’t futuristic. They’re already here. Read more »

Video doorbell firm Ring says its devices slash crime—but the evidence looks flimsy

The Amazon-owned security company says neighborhoods that use its products are safer, but the studies are unclear at best Read more »

Want to know when you’re going to die?

Your life span is written in your DNA, and we’re learning to read the code. Read more »

Digital immortality: How your life’s data means a version of you could live forever

Your family and friends will be able to interact with a digital “you” that doles out advice—even when you’re gone. Read more »

We can now customize cancer cures, tumor by tumor

But can any company afford to manufacture one-off medical treatments? Read more »

Your next doctor’s appointment might be with an AI

A new wave of chatbots are replacing physicians and providing frontline medical advice—but are they as good as the real thing? Read more »