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The US military is testing stratospheric balloons that ride the wind so they never have to come down

A sensor that can spot the wind direction from miles away will let DARPA’s surveillance balloons hover at the very edge of space in one spot indefinitely. Read more »

China’s giant transmission grid could be the key to cutting climate emissions

But are the country’s next-generation power lines a clean-power play or a global power move? Read more »

A robot scientist will dream up new materials to advance computing and fight pollution

Kebotix is using AI and robotics to brainstorm—and then test—novel compounds. Read more »

Google has enlisted NASA to help it prove quantum supremacy within months

The firm will pit its Bristlecone quantum processor against a classical supercomputer early next year and see which comes out on top. Read more »

93% Indian Firms in Early Stages of Cloud Adoption

Over 93 percent of Indian organisations are still in the early stages of maturity when it comes to Cloud adoption, the International Data Corporation (IDC) said. Compared to the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan)... Read more »

Is a Cloud-native Strategy Right for You?

A cloud-native approach offers an agile environment enabling organizations to meet ever-increasing customer demands and expectations. This allows companies to grow a product, service, or idea and deploy all these things as quickly... Read more »

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin says his creation can’t succeed unless he takes a step back

At Ethereum’s annual developer conference, its founder tells us why his technology can only be truly decentralized if it stops depending on him. Read more »

You can now hire a video game coach to turn you into a Fortnite expert

With the growth in e-sports, more gamers are investing in some personal tutoring to help them progress. We paid a Fortnite coach to teach us his top tips. Read more »

The internet is taking over a person’s life for Halloween. And you can be a part of it.

An MIT experiment is handing a single person’s free will to the crowd to test how the digital hive mind works. Read more »

Top battery scientists have a plan to electrify flight and slash airline emissions

Could a new battery designed for the demands of aviation solve one of the hardest problems in the climate puzzle? Read more »