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Your smartphone’s AI algorithms could tell if you are depressed

Smartphones that are used to track our faces and voices could also help lower the barrier to mental-health diagnosis and treatment. Read more »

AI software can dream up an entire digital world from a simple sketch

Creating a lifelike digital scene normally requires skill, creativity, and patience. Now we can just offload the work to an AI algorithm. Read more »

Inside the world of AI that forges beautiful art and terrifying deepfakes

Generative adversarial networks, or GANs, are fueling creativity—and controversy. Here’s how they work. Read more »

I 3D-printed every bit of my wedding—including my bouquet

The maker community helped me create everything from my bouquet to my cake toppers—and gave me an insight into the technology’s possibilities. Read more »

Making AI algorithms crazy fast using chips powered by light

Optical chips have been tried before—but the rise of deep learning may offer an opportunity to succeed where others have failed. Read more »

Climate change’s highest cost: Overheated employees too miserable to work

The US economy could lose $221 billion annually by 2090, as overheated employees stop working as much or as hard. Read more »

Death will be one of the highest economic costs of climate change

Increased mortality from extreme heat could cost the United States an estimated $141 billion a year by 2090. Read more »

The Chinese scientist who claims he made CRISPR babies is under investigation

He Jiankui claims he created twin girls who had been edited so they were resistant to HIV. Was that ethical? Or even legal? Read more »

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese scientists are creating CRISPR babies

A daring effort is underway to create the first children whose DNA has been tailored using gene-editing. Read more »

How seaweed could shrink livestock’s global carbon hoofprint

A diet supplemented with red algae could lessen the huge amounts of greenhouse gases emitted by cows and sheep, if we can just figure out how to grow enough. Read more »