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“Copyright traps” could tell writers if an AI has scraped their work

The research shows it is indeed possible to introduce such traps into text data so as to significantly increase the efficacy of membership inference attacks, even for smaller models, says Kamath. But there’s still a lot to be done, he adds. 

Repeating a 75-word phrase 1,000 times in a document is a big change to the original text, which could allow people training AI models to detect the trap and skip content containing it, or just delete it and train on the rest of the text, Kamath says. It also makes the original text hard to read. 

This makes copyright traps impractical right now, says Sameer Singh, a professor of computer science at the University of California, Irvine, and a cofounder of the startup Spiffy AI. He was not part of the research. “A lot of companies do deduplication, [meaning] they clean up the data, and a bunch of this kind of stuff will probably get thrown out,” Singh says. 

One way to improve copyright traps, says Kamath, would be to find other ways to mark copyrighted content so that membership inference attacks work better on them, or to improve membership inference attacks themselves. 

De Montjoye acknowledges that the traps are not foolproof. A motivated attacker who knows about a trap can remove them, he says. 

“Whether they can remove all of them or not is an open question, and that’s likely to be a bit of a cat-and-mouse game,” he says. But even then, the more traps are applied, the harder it becomes to remove all of them without significant engineering resources.

“It’s important to keep in mind that copyright traps may only be a stopgap solution, or merely an inconvenience to model trainers,” says Kamath. “One can not release a piece of content containing a trap and have any assurance that it will be an effective trap forever.” 

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