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The Download: the gender issue, and rethinking net-zero

Corporate climate plans, from the likes of Amazon and others, rely heavily on investing in carbon offset projects like tree planting and forest preservation, or other efforts that purport to help the climate. But studies and investigations have repeatedly found that the benefits of these efforts can be wildly inflated.

A growing number of carbon market experts and corporate climate advisors now want companies to fundamentally rethink their climate strategies and aim higher than basic net-zero plans. 

Actually cutting operational emissions will mean investing heavily in supporting, testing, and scaling emerging solutions; and pushing for aggressive policies that will pressure suppliers and other business partners to strive for similar changes. 

Read this story explaining six crucial ways that companies can reduce their carbon footprint.

—James Temple

The must-reads

I’ve combed the internet to find you today’s most fun/important/scary/fascinating stories about technology.

1 Twitter’s security revelations are music to Elon Musk’s ears
The whistleblower complaint is likely to be brought up in court during a hearing today. (WP $)
+ Peiter Zatko, the whistleblower, is an eminent cybersecurity expert. (Bloomberg $)
+ Twitter appears to have mixed up its toxic content and spam teams. (Reuters)
+ Jack Dorsey’s legacy still looms large at Twitter. (The Verge)

2 The outgoing White House AI director explains future policy challenges
Lynne Parker is concerned that people perceive AI as too tough to get into. (MIT Technology Review)

3 Facebook restricted a Planned Parenthood abortion pills post
Despite the fact that abortion is legal in the state of Michigan. (Motherboard)
+ Post-Roe, student health care is under threat. (Wired $)
+ Where to get abortion pills and how to use them. (MIT Technology Review)

4 How call center software makes workers sound whiter and American
In a bid to encourage call recipients to be politer and more receptive. (SFGate)

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