The whitepaper by 451 Research, “Going Hybrid: Demand for Cloud and Managed Services Across Asia-Pacific”, was commissioned by NTT Communications in partnership with VMware. The survey was conducted in six countries (Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia) and looks into how the market will shape up in 2019 and beyond.
More than 90 per cent of firms surveyed say they have multiple cloud environments in place with varying degrees of interoperability, from mostly siloed to completely hybrid. More than half are already using hybrid cloud – seamlessly delivering functions across multiple cloud environments.
Only a small minority – less than 10 per cent – note that they focus primarily on a single cloud environment, and this group represents a spectrum of use cases, from businesses taking the first steps via on-premises private cloud deployment to rarer cases of businesses that are “all in” on a single public cloud environment.
According to the whitepaper, multi-cloud has become the norm for most enterprises across Asia Pacific. More than 90 per cent of businesses have multiple cloud environments with varying degrees of interoperability, and more than half note that they are already using hybrid cloud. However, nearly 44 per cent have begun implementing hybrid cloud pilots without an overarching strategy in place.
The survey adds that more than half the enterprises focus on migrating workloads from their internal environments when deploying into the public cloud, with 28 per cent focussing on a “lift and shift” approach and another 28 per cent refactoring before moving. Another third is focussing on public cloud for net new applications.